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Can I Tell You The Truth?

Principles from God's Word

Tag Archives: bible

Straight Talk that encourages reflection, prayer and a deep study of God’s Word.

While different radio talk shows address the topic of “walking in faith”, we will offer “practical suggestions” for how to live the Christian life. Our radio show is appropriately called, “Can I Tell You The Truth (CITYT2). It will highlight ways to help our listeners move Spanish Lady with a biblefrom enmity to friendship with Jesus Christ. Our team of Hosts share a common denominator, namely, the Word of God. God is a motivating force in each of our lives. We see the need to impart a broad understanding to our listening audience of how everything from Politics to the issues that grab our daily attentions, shape our relationship with God.

“The Truth”

Therefore, we will address a full range of topics stemming from current events, dating, family issues, employment issues, healthcare, gun control,  home ownership, immigration laws, marriage, personal dispute resolution, and anything our listeners want to hear about. Listeners are encouraged to think of an interesting topic and become our next guest. We want to appeal to the ordinary person who wants to learn together with us how to live the Christian life in a way that is pleasing to Jesus Christ. Our message is not just for the born again Christian, but for those who seek TRUTH in their lives. Consequently, we will offer that truth from different points of view to help our listener confront what God is saying to them based upon their circumstances.

The good news is that the gospel proclaims how God has taken the initiative to reconcile man back to Himself. We are going to show our listening audience the significance of what is meant by this statement. God is not reconciled to man, as though God were partly to blame for the enmity; rather, man is reconciled to God, for it is man who moved away from God! This is an important concept of our show! Fortunately, reconciliation is possible because God has offered Jesus as a “propitiation” (the action of appeasing God) for our sins!

Format of Our Program:
Our show will be characterized by its swift pace. News and call ins are the primary focus of the show with occasional interludes of contemporary christian music and advertisements from Sponsors. Calls from well known Pastors, evangelists and other approved in advance personnel are designed to offer unique insights and perspectives to help call–ins apply God’s Word. We pray that this will be a Holy Spirit lead broadcast. Each Host will provide a no nonsense response to our Callers about the issues they face. Our Show topics will be derived from TV, Radio, other news broadcasts, magazines, and published newspaper articles.

We think it is necessary for people to hear the truth of God’s Word by using biblical principles and applying them to everyday life, whether they attend church or not. When truth is spoken to people it brings freedom. Therefore, we will offer practical living through prophetic interpretations. In time with the generous support of our Sponsors, we will offer resources and information to help Listeners apply God’s truth.

Our Audience:

Our program is not only for the everyday Christian, but for those who have given up on the church or who don’t know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. In this respect, we are reaching out to anyone who is seeking guidance and spiritual growth. Our outreach will include up and coming young adults, mature adults of all ethnic backgrounds, generally anyone who is thirsty and hungry for the Word of God.  No matter the background or race we want to attract the widest worldwide demographics of people who are willing to be empowered and inspired by the Word of God.

Seeking knowledge, understanding and wisdom:

We all need to seek spiritual knowledge and this should be a key priority in our lives. Too often people don’t realize that what they do not know can hurt them. That is why pursuing spiritual knowledge will help the unsaved and saved Christian. This radio broadcast was developed to help people in their effort to seek biblical knowledge, understanding and wisdom. We hope to impart God’s Word with a gentle tongue because the bible says that by doing so our expression will be a Tree of Life. Let me also caution you that spiritual knowledge without wisdom and understanding is futile. So we are urged also to get wisdom. Wisdom is knowing the truth and how to apply it to a given situation.

Therefore, understanding God’s Word is nothing more than knowledge seasoned and modified by wisdom and insight. Once again, we encourage you to pay attention and turn your ear to wisdom and understanding. It is important to embrace both. When this happens patience, discernment, favor, prosperity, safety and other benefits will result.

Our prayer is that we will help our Listeners apply God’s Word to their particular situation. It was interesting to us to note that Jesus didn’t do anything on His own. He was submissive to His Father. With your prayers and help we want to teach people how to submit to Jesus. We are asking for Supporters to support this broadcast with their financial seed or gift and most importantly their prayers for our kingdom success.

Our beliefs:

We believe the Bible is the only infallible authority of God’s word. We believe in the deity of Christ through His virgin birth. We believe He died for and paid the price for our sins. We believe that everyone needs to be born again and be partakers of the bodily resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. We believe that everyone was born with a nature to sin. Therefore we need to be obedient to God’s voice and do His will. However, none of this broadcast is a substitution for your personal study of God’s word. Also we encourage our Listeners to read their bible, study and meditate on the Word of God. In addition, they need to seek the counsel of their home Pastor.

We will strive to promote a clear and concise interpretation of God’s word. Our works, while some may be impressive, are not what God looks for two grant us salvation. Instead, we affirm our belief in Jesus as our Lord and Savior and encourage everyone to follow the Master’s will. This will take a heart conversion. Thankfully the Holy Spirit is our helper and He will guide us in our pursuit of the truth. Therefore, we must diligently study God’s word.

Every believer is sanctified which means they have been set aside from evil to fulfill God’s purposes because they belong to Him. Faith plays a big role in the life and walk of each believer. Everything that we hope to teach you will come from God’s revelation of His word. Obedience is a lifelong lesson taught to us by the Holy Spirit. Despite our best efforts we will never achieve God standard of perfection. Yet we will encourage you to keep trying to reach this goal.

We hope to increase your knowledge and understanding of God’s expectations and we encourage you to pray for wisdom. When the Holy Spirit reveals your weaknesses and strengths use this insight as a guide to do the Father’s will. This is going to require you to continually renew your mind (charge it up with the Word of God). We must constantly put off our old nature and adopt the spirit of Christ. Keep in mind that no one is perfect because sin will always cause us to miss the mark and fall short of God’s expectations. Be that as it may sin and temptation are always present.

When we engage sin we are actually violating God’s will. There is nothing right about engaging sin. We all need God’s grace, mercy, forgiveness and love. Even the Apostle Paul said he was the chief sinner.

Again we need to seek God, renew our minds, seek to serve God as one who has been set aside to do His will. The ultimate crown of glory will be that day when we are found faithful to God, when we will be eternally arrayed in His glory; when corruption has put on incorruption and mortality has put on immortality. We will learn that God has always wanted to set us right with Him, make us fit for Him, so that we can stand tall in the wide open spaces of God’s grace and glory and shout out our praises to Him.

Good luck in your journey with us!

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